Red Lid Wheelie Bin Guide
This is the ultimate guide to what goes in the red rubbish bin in Sydney! There are some things you shouldn't throw into the general waste!
If you often get confused about what rubbish goes in which bin, don’t worry, you are not alone. Most Australians don’t know which rubbish goes into which of our wheelie bins at home. As a result, we end up throwing everything into our general waste bin, otherwise also known as the red lid bin.
An old report found that approximately 48% of Australians didn’t know what could and couldn’t be recycled and therefore did not know whether it belonged in the yellow lid or red lid bin.
You may have read our yellow bin recycling guide and now looking to see what sort of rubbish is typically thrown into the red lid bin, then you have landed in the right place! We’ll investigate the common household garbage that is found or should be found in your red lid bin. This way, you can throw it out in the future with a bit more confidence.
What Goes In The Red Lid Bin?
What you CAN throw in the red lid bin:
Some helpful hints when you take the bin out
- Don’t overload your bin, the maximum weight of your wheelie bin will depend on your local council
- Don’t stuff or jam your rubbish into the bin as it may get stuck
- Keep your wheelie bin in the shade to reduce odours
- Don’t put items on top or beside the wheelie bin
What you SHOULDN’T throw in the red lid bin:
Items that we often get wrong
Coffee cups – Coffee cups and recycling is a grey area. In general, coffee cups are not recyclable because their linings are typically made of polyethylene, a waterproof plastic that makes recycling impossible.
Foil – Aluminium like most metals, can be recycled indefinitely. However, because recycling requires the waste to be sorted, it cannot be recycled if it cannot be sorted from the general waste. For it to be sorted correctly, scrunch it into a ball. If it is bigger than the size of a golf ball then it can be sorted and recycled as long as it isn’t contaminated.
Soft plastic – As a rule of thumb, it cannot be recycled if you can scrunch it into a ball. To recycle these, you will need to locate your local Redcycle drop-off at participating supermarkets.
Pizza boxes are often stained with oil and food waste such as cheese. Throwing them into the recycling bin will only spread the contamination with other recyclable rubbish. If they are not stained with any grease or food scrap then they can be recycled.
Is your general waste wheelie bin overfilled?
Paul’s Rubbish Removal can help solve your problem by providing cheap rubbish removal. We are able to arrive at any site in Sydney to collect and get rid of your junk for you. It doesn’t fit your wheelie bin? No problem. Our large trucks are capable of transporting and disposing of any rubbish!
Our green initiative also encourages the need for recycling. Not sure what can be recycled? We can help you properly dispose of your rubbish and waste! It is important that we reduce the amount of garbage that is being sent to landfills. Global warming is a major issue and we can decrease the amount of pollution by recycling!
Paul’s Rubbish Removal has actively participated in many recycling programs to raise awareness and lead the industry on the right path to a brighter and cleaner future!
Our rubbish removal service will hand remove your rubbish for you and properly dispose of it.
Simply call 0407 125 125 to talk to our friendly staff for a free quote today! We are just one call away from helping you clean up the mess.
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