Home » 9 Upcycling Ideas for Unused Furniture

9 Upcycling Ideas for Unused Furniture

Making your house lively once again doesn’t always involve buying new and fancy items. You can repurpose your old, unused furniture, and enhance the look of your living room. What you can do with the old furniture lying around your house is limitless. It could involve something as simple as modifying a piece of furniture, changing its use, or repainting it.

Upcycling can involve simple DIY tasks to complex makeovers which incorporate numerous materials and equipment. Your only limitation is your level of imagination. Embrace your artistic side, think outside the box, and you’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve from all the clutter lying around in your house.

Before discarding furniture, stop and think. Here are some ideas to transform the boring old junk into funky treasure.

1) From a crib to a desk

Your kids are all grown up, and both you and your partner don’t have plans to get more in the future, and you have no idea where to take the crib that is now lying unused and occupying space? How about repurposing it into a desk. With a little modification and repainting the crib can make an excellent study table.
Just find some tempered glass and fix it on top of the bed; remove the side rails and fix them as mini shelves for your table and voila!

2) Dresser into a minibar

You can repurpose the junkie old dresser you’ve been hoarding into a piece of art! With a little creativity, you could create a stylish wine bar from the unused chest of drawers occupying space in your house. A little customisation, which is limited to your imagination; some painting and there you have yourself a functional minibar.

3) Upholster your chairs

Add some patterns to your upholstery project, make it funky, bringing life into your space. Some new fabric, nail trims, or painting can make all the difference.

It is an easy drab to fab transformation with impressive results.

4) Repainting your chipped furniture

Lift the face of your old furniture. It could be the hutch standing by the corner, or the nightstand by your bed. A coat of paint can restore the piece, giving it a brand new appearance.

5) A sink from furniture

With a creative carpenter, you can convert the old desk into a sink. With the right skills, it is quite affordable, and you can give your house a unique look while repurposing the unused piece of furniture.

6) An old chair into an artistic piece

You don’t require any skills to achieve this, yet the results are amazing! Make the old chair your canvas and throw paint on it. The choice of colors depends on the painting of your walls. After it is done, step back and marvel at your new creation.

7) Bed to bench

Need a new place to relax? How about modifying the extra bed in your house into a comfortable bench. You could put the seat outside in the garden, or the patio. There you can relax while sipping your cup of coffee, or spending quality time with your family.

8) From a door to a shelf

Create a cute corner shelf from the unused door lying in the garage. Some slight modification and carpentry skills are required to install some shelves and repurpose the furniture.

9) Upcycle your drawers

The number of items you can create from drawers is virtually unlimited. These readily available pieces of furniture could be converted to side tables with minimal modification. You can fix some legs to them or use them as they are.

Adding tempered glass on top of the drawer and fixing some legs to it could result in an artistic coffee table. With some painting, you’ve converted the old drawer into a piece of treasure.

With upcycling, you not only save a coin but also contribute to sustainable development by reducing the amount of waste to the environment. If you’re planning to dispose of your unwanted furniture, then Paul’s Rubbish Removal can safely dispose of it without harmful impacts on the environment. Contact us today to have your old junk taken away for quick disposal; we will give your house the much-needed clearance.

Sarah Ann

Sarah Ann

Sarah Ann is a Digital Content Writer for Paul's Rubbish Removal. Sarah is a huge advocate for recycling, environmental sustainability, health and well-being and has a genuine love for all sea animals. Keep up with Sarah by following Paul's Rubbish Removal blog!

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