Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July started in the year 2011 with the aim of educating people on the pollution associated with plastics. It is very close to the zero waste movement, but it asks you to commit to avoiding disposable plastics for a whole month. On the website, you will find a picture highlighting the many plastic…

Keep Australia Beautiful

The purpose of Keep Australia Beautiful Week is to encourage Aussies to pick up at least one piece of rubbish each day of the week. The available data shows that roadside litter has remained the main type of litter in Australia and it is highly detrimental to the environment. For the litter in our streets…

Clean Up Australia Day

Waste disposal is becoming a major problem in Australia. As the population continues to increase, the rate of wastage increases alongside. Statistically, Australia generates approximately 48 million tons of rubbish annually. According to the Department of Environment and Heritage data, Australians’ waste comes from three main sources. These include municipal or household waste, industrial and commercial…

What is Global Recycling Day?

The number of rubbish humans throws away is on the rise and sadly, this trend is only projected to increase. The current global waste generation levels stand approximately at 1.3 billion tonnes per year. This figure is widely expected to rise to approximately 2.2 billion tonnes per year in the next six years. This represents…