Remember when you looked under your kitchen sink and saw cockroaches creeping about? Or that time you were supposed to stress-eat but instead got even more frustrated of all the houseflies whirring around you? Just like having uninvited guests, having pests at home is a detestable company. Aside from disturbing your peace, these pesky creatures also carry germs and bacteria which can contaminate your food and cause diseases.
Opportunistic animals like cockroaches, ants, houseflies, termites, and rodents will find ways to get inside your home whenever they find it inviting. Here are some of the habits you need to stop doing to avoid attracting pests into your house:
Leaving food and dirty dishes
Animals only have their instincts for survival such that when they see food, they would want to get to it and feed on it.
Thus, it is a bad practice to leave food exposed on the table where pests have easy access to. Ignoring food crumbs and scraps that have fallen on the floor may also lead to pest infestation. Furthermore, you should also get rid of the habit of leaving unwashed dishes overnight because the leftover food on the plates and utensils serve as delicious treats for ants and roaches.
Leaving unclean and messy areas
Another bad habit to discontinue is allowing areas in your house to be unclean and unorganized. Cockroaches, ants, termites, and other vermins can seek shelter in these places especially if they remain undisturbed for a long period of time and food is available for them.
Even the holes and crevices on your walls could be a potential home for small pests. Moreover, drains and dirty grills are also attractive to roaches and flies because of the buildup of grease and food particles.
Throwing rubbish directly in your bins
While it is tempting to just dispose of your trash directly into garbage bins, it is actually a bad habit that attracts pests into your home. When you leave your trash accessible to these animals, they will dig into it and feed on the food scraps because they see the opportunity to. That’s why it’s advised to throw your rubbish in sealed bags and in tightly closed bins.
Keeping wet rubbish
You should also break the habit of disposing wet wastes and uncapped recyclables that contains liquid. Cockroaches, rodents and other creatures are attracted to the moisture because they need it for survival. Moreover, sweet or sugary liquid also lures these pests because it is potential food for them.
Allowing bins to get dirty and damaged
It is unsanitary to keep garbage bins unwashed and damaged since cockroaches, ants, and flies can take advantage of the foodstuffs stuck on the walls of your rubbish containers. Moreover, having holes and cracks on your garbage bins can provide these creatures points of entry into your rubbish.
Having dumpsters near your home
You should avoid keeping dumpsters in close proximity to your house since pests in those dumpsters can make their way into your house in their search for food.
Storing rubbish for too long
Another practice you should discontinue is keeping your rubbish for too long. Your rubbish contains organic materials that give off a stronger odour as time passes which can lure pests into your home. Additionally, tiny pests can reside and propagate in your pile of rubbish because they are safe from predators and the conditions are conducive for their survival.
Paul’s Rubbish Removal can handle all your rubbish problems that attract pests inside your home. We are a team of dedicated rubbish removalists who can deal with all sorts of rubbish inside your home and keep your house clean and safe from pests.
For household rubbish removal in Sydney, call us at 0407 125 125 or send us an enquiry at