Improper disposal of paint tins can be hazardous in your household. Without taking measures on how to dispose of paint tins properly, you are putting your family members at risk from obtaining serious illnesses such as skin, lung and eye problems.
For several years, paint tins keep stacking up in your house without even noticing it. As you take delight in freshly coating paint in your room every year, unknowingly you are piling hazards in a corner.
Paint tins are usually stored in sheds or garage corners across Sydney. They are mostly causing homeowners a frustration when they occupy too much space that makes other useful things be out of place.
Not only do they have an impact on health and space planning, paint tins can also increase the risk of fire incidents once you pour out the excess paints in the wrong place. As an aid to the problem, there are several ways on how to safely dispose of paint tins without harming the environment, breaking the law or posing a threat to your household’s safety.
Check for Guidelines
Depending on which place you reside in Australia, each local council has its own guidelines regarding the right way to dispose of paint and paint tins. Proper disposal regulations are made to impose higher standards of waste products and limit the contamination of recyclables by 0.5 per cent.
To ensure that you are following the protocol, it’s best to contact your local council or visit their website. Ask them about the proper ways of disposing paint tins to avoid fines and harming the environment. After doing so, you can perform a dry and empty process.
Dry and Empty Your Paint Tins
Before making any disposing process, bear in mind that disposing your paint tins depends on whether the paint inside is oil-based or latex. The types of paint have special requirements for disposal since there are harmful chemicals present in the paint that causes health effects.
The dry and empty process is very important when disposing a paint tin. Aside from being a requirement in proper disposal, you can also avoid the possible danger that wet paints may produce. In disposing, never pour paint down a drain, septic system, on the ground or throw it into the trash with wet paint as it will result in water, soil and air contamination.
For tins with latex paint, if your paint tin has a small amount of paint left at the bottom, you can leave it out in the sun to dry. It will also help if you place the paint tins in a well-ventilated area. If the weather can’t handle the drying process, you can try using newspaper, old clothes or any absorbent to soak up the paint and speed the drying process.
However, if the paint tin has a large amount and is still usable, you can either give it away to your neighbours who need it or donate it to your local charity projects. But if a large amount of paint can’t be of any use at all, you can simply purchase a paint hardener to let it dry before emptying the tin. After that, you can remove the dried-out large amount of paint and throw it with the rest of your household trash if the council allows.
For tins with oil-based paints, the dry process is still the same as for latex but it must be handled with extra effort. You have to dry oil-based paint outside your home only in areas away from children, pets, and rain since it is considered more hazardous than the latex.
If you want to speed up the process, stir in absorbent material such as clay kitty litter, sawdust, or leftover concrete mix. After that, you can dispose of the paint tins in your local hazardous waste drop-off site where you can safely dispose of them.
But if your local council doesn’t allow oil-based paint in hazardous waste facilities, you can place it in your regular garbage. But make sure it’s definitely empty to prevent hazards and collectors will surely accept during trash days.
Recycle Your Paint Tins
If you’ve emptied a paint tin and let the residue air dry, you can try giving your paint tins to recycling companies. Most cities have paint recycling firms that reuse the empty paint tins without charge. You can go online to find any specific paint recycling company or locate the local general recycling centre in your area. The recycling website for your city or town will inform you whether they accept empty paint tins or not.
You should consider giving the paint tins to recycling companies if you have drained a paint tin and left the residual air dry. Most cities have paint recycling firms that reuse the empty paint tins at no fee. You can go online to find some particular paint recycling company or locate your area’s local general recycling centre.
Upon giving the empty tins in a paint recycling company, removing the lid is important to show that the paint tin isn’t full of leftover paint. Whether you’re recycling the paint tin or throwing it in the trash, taking the lid off of the tin shows the recycling collectors that it is now safe to dispose of.
Many recycling centres do accept empty paint tins, grouping them with metals. You may be able to put your empty paint tins directly in your recycling bin, although some areas may require you to carry it into a recycling centre — visit the website of a recycling centre in your area if you are unsure.
Let the Rubbish Removal Experts Handle It
If you can’t handle the proper disposal of paint tins, ask for experts’ help. At Paul’s Rubbish Removal, any leftover paint will be dumped and recycled properly. Your garage and sheds will be free of hazardous paints and piles of paint tins in no time.
Paint tins are an eyesore when it piles up in your garage and sheds. It is also hazardous to your family if there is still paint left in tins. That is why proper disposal must be done if you want to get rid of paint tins. Through following the proper way to dump it, you will make your home be chemical, paint and hassle free to live in.
At Paul’s Rubbish Removal, our expert team will let your home be free of paint tins. Ensured that the disposal of paint tins will be handled expertly and will be collected in no time. For more information about our paint waste disposal services, call us at 0407 125 125 or send us an email: