Are you looking into improving and giving your property a garden makeover or an impressive landscape? Chances are, the amount of yard waste becomes significant. Any trash that originates from that garden’s management and care maintenance is yard waste. However, you might be confused and in thought. What exactly is yard waste?
Yard waste is the rubbish that comes from vegetative garbage involved mostly in gardening activities. Your garden is a bedrock of yard waste. Maintenance routines generate the most yard waste. This is especially obvious when you maintain the landscape and generate all those organic materials from plants and shrubs. Grass clippings and leaves are one of the most common types of yard waste.
Imagine if all properties and residences decide to maintain their garden settings. The amount of yard waste in Sydney will skyrocket. Trees and shrubs alone are already massive waste producers, to begin with. As a result, like all kinds of waste, unmanaged yard waste is still detrimental to the environment, even if they are natural and organic.
Australians throw out as much as around 42.9 Mt of organic waste every year. 10% of that number accounts for garden organics, also known as yard waste. For the 4,113 kt of garden organics, New South Wales contributes the most. Sydney is part of that big number giving out an amount that is as big as 433 kt. Who would’ve known that something as simple as gardening and landscaping can accumulate that big volume of trash?
For every kind and amount of yard waste, it is your responsibility to look after those grass clippings and leaves in your yard and lawn. It can be challenging to deal with the rubbish, but we are here to guide you in handling this kind of trash in your homes.
Let this clearing guide help you improve all the trash that comes from your beautiful garden and lush lawns.
Common Types of Yard Waste
The term yard waste is self-explanatory. It is waste that comes from your yard. Everything that your yard, garden, lawn or residential landscape generates as waste is yard waste. However, the inverse is also true.
Not all rubbish that you bring out to the yard is yard waste. Most yard waste often comes from the yard itself. If you decide to take out the food scraps from your kitchen, they aren’t called yard waste. Consider yard waste as your outdoor property setting rubbish.
Examples of yard waste
The bigger your garden is, the more rubbish comes from its maintenance. These are some examples of yard waste. They can include but are not limited to any of the following:
- Weeds
- Leaves
- Grass clippings
- Dead flowers
- Plants
- Brush
- Tree trunks
- Results of pruning
- Dirt
- Roots
- Wood shavings
- Rocks
- Twigs
- Sod
- Christmas tree
- Other garden organic materials
Yard waste versus other kinds of waste
Since yard waste comes from your yard, you can expect it to be mostly gardening or landscaping trash. Yard waste is organic waste. Other kinds of waste may be considered as your residential or municipal waste. If you do your garden maintenance job in routines or schedules, don’t expect to generate volumes of yard waste as much as your household waste daily.
For you to handle all kinds of yard waste, help is always available. There are many professionals and experts who can take care of your yard waste. One example is Paul’s team of expert rubbish removalists. Take note that taking care of yard waste is different from taking care of normal house trash. Tree parts and tree trunks can grow big. Yard waste can easily accumulate in space and volume in outdoor spaces.
We take away your unwanted yard waste and make sure that it goes to recycling to provide further use. You can call us on 0407 125 125. We are always available to answer your call.
Effective Methods of Segregation of Yard Waste
Managing and disposing of yard waste is a huge and regular task. It doesn’t matter if you trim your trees every six months or if you prune every month, proper and effective segregation of yard waste is necessary.
When mishandled, yard waste can get as messy as any other type of rubbish. Make it a priority to sort out and segregate your yard waste before final disposal. Keep your yard waste away from other types of rubbish.
The Green Bin in Sydney
The city council of Sydney waste management service also handles yard waste. There is a specific segregation bin to store your yard waste before final collection. The green bin for garden waste is the specific container that holds the green organics, including your yard waste. Though it can’t contain all of the yard waste you generate annually, it is still a viable option if you want a free pickup of some yard trash.
What you can put the following inside the Green Bin:
- Small branches
- Twigs
- Leaves
- Grass clippings
- Tree and shrub pruning
- Plants
- Flowers
- Weeds
What you can’t put inside the Green Bin:
- Food scraps
- Compostable and biodegradable packaging and containers
- Tree stumps and thick branches
- Soil
- Rock and building materials
- Plant pots and garden equipment
Sydney highly advocates the service to make sure that yard waste that comes from properties and residences are still recyclable. Dumping yard waste anywhere and sending them straight to landfills contributes to the rising issues and concerns on local pollution and environmental degradation. No matter which local you are, Sydney has waste management options for you.
You don’t need to worry about your yard waste. If Sydney pickups your Green Bin, they will find ways to recycle the garden organics in your bin. Various waste facilities like composting facilities are available for acceptable yard waste. Remember to keep your green bin unfilled to the brim. Full containers will be subject to excess rubbish. The council might not collect it upon scheduled pickup.
Any changes or concerns regarding the Green Bin you have i.e. replacement, size change, service and location availability and other questions, ask the City Council of Sydney before booking a pickup for the Green Bin or application of the service. On top of the Green Bin, they also have other available options for other types of waste and other junk pickups.
Sorting out yard waste
You can have a head start in making sure that the yard waste is manageable. If you have your bins at home, all you need to do is make sure that the bin is clean and has a functional cover. Yard waste can attract pests and insects that still thrive from garden organic rubbish. These pests include ants and termites. If you don’t want your home as an infestation site, keep your bins or containers of yard waste well-tight and covered.
Another option is having your dumpster. A dumpster is bigger than a garbage bin. This means you can store bigger yard waste inside. It can make the perfect garbage storage for your yard waste. Just ensure that your dumpster holds only the yard waste from your landscaping and gardening maintenance activities. This limits a mix-up in your garbage coming from home.
Do-it-yourself yard waste sort out
Ensure effective segregation of your yard waste by noting the condition of your yard waste first. If you have some wet yard waste, set them aside and have a different container for each. Sort out soiled yard waste from dry yard waste. You can use different plastic bags, bins or storage options for both.
Separate the yard waste that you can recycle at home. Keep the other types of yard waste you can’t recycle at home in another storage for a different disposal or recycling option. This can help save some money for yard waste disposal since you are getting rid of less garbage volume.
Composting yard waste
Yard waste is organic rubbish. As a result, you can dispose of it completely on your own in gradual periods. Composting helps in breaking down this type of garbage. You can set up your compost pit along with your garden setup. This can serve as the “dumping site” of any maintenance jobs in your garden.
Pruning and trimming jobs will cost you. Composting any rubbish that comes from this work can be your technique in saving some bucks for garbage disposal. Furthermore, the products of yard waste composting can be useful for you. Composting has slowly grown in popularity over the years as an option to handle yard waste.
To set up a compost pit easily in your garden, here are some tips to help you get started:
- Build your compost pit in a dry and shady area
- Alternate the brown yard waste and green yard waste inside the compost pit
- Cover your compost pit with a tarpaulin to keep dry from rainwater
- Avoid putting diseased plants and shrubs in your compost pit, as they are difficult to compost
Mulching yard waste
Another way to make use of yard waste such as leaves and grass clippings, is via mulching. You can also send tree trimmings and shrub trimmings to the mulch layer. A mulch is a layer of matter on top of the soil. Collectors can choose not to accept your yard waste coming in bulky volumes.
Waste management facilities and local waste pickup services can also choose not to accept them. Some of the benefits of mulching are the following:
- Reduces evaporation which holds moisture for your ground
- Maintains ground temperature keeping areas a bit cooler especially in hotter days
- Prevents soil erosion in your garden
- Keeps some weeds out of your lawn areas
- Enriches the soil and gives nutrients to the surrounding shrubs
Segregating your yard waste from other types of waste is beneficial. Many useful byproducts come from keeping your yard waste and putting in the work to dispose of it more naturally.
We understand that it is work that takes time and some effort to do. Because of this, we are here for you. Paul’s Rubbish Removal is here to help you segregate your yard waste. All you need to do is call or send an email.
Laws and Ordinances on Yard Waste in Sydney
Waste management is a big concern in Sydney. Australia and local governing bodies work hard to give reasonable laws and policies regarding yard waste and its available disposal methods. These laws and regulations help in mitigating issues that come from garbage. When we mishandle garbage, nature and wildlife always suffer from the most negative effects.
The Waste Regulations in New South Wales primarily aim to make waste management better and more regulated. This gives that assurance that everybody in Sydney becomes safe from the possible harm that comes from yard waste that is not governed properly and appropriately.
Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
Illegal dumping of yard waste can result in pollution and harm in the concerned area. As such, the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 aims to give order to this problem. The act states, “Prevention notices can be issued where an activity is being carried out in an environmentally unsatisfactory manner. Clean-up and prevention notices are issued by the regulatory authority for the activity or premises concerned.”
Illegal dumping is common in all settings. Penalties and offenses work to mitigate all caught individuals. Offenses work in tiers with corresponding rates and penalties for caught offenders of the act. The fines can go anywhere from $2,200 up to $250,000 for individuals.
Depending on the intent and harm, imprisonment is possibly granted. The imprisonment terms can range from 4 years up to 7 years depending on the severity of the negligent effects of throwing out waste inappropriately. Avoid illegal dumping of your yard waste to make sure that you don’t get fined for leaving your trash outside.
Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014
This act focuses more on the operations aspect of waste. The Protection of the Environment Operations Regulation serves as the backbone and the guiding force of the Protection of Environment Operations Act of 1997.
This act covers any logistical concerns like transportation and facility assignments—matters such as the contributions and rightful arrangements between waste collectors and waste disposers. If you take care of your yard waste via composting and recycling, this act might not apply to you. If you opt not to sign up with the local council waste management pickups and collections, it’s your responsibility to get dutifully rid of yard waste.
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001
The most important goal of Sydney in terms of waste management is to bring down waste volumes. This can only come from a collective effort of applying reduction efforts of waste and recycling as much as possible. Since most of the yard waste is recyclable, not all of your yard waste is bound to landfills. These landfills where methane gas levels are an all-time high coming from organics.
This act states a lot of provisions and conditions. Some of the objectives of this act that affects yard waste in a more individual and personal level to you include the following:
- “to ensure that industry shares with the community the responsibility for reducing and dealing with waste”
- “to ensure the efficient funding of waste and resource management planning, programs and service delivery”
- “to achieve integrated waste and resource management planning, programs and service delivery on a State-wide basis”
Following the WARR act, each person is responsible for handling their yard waste. Even better, avoid generating yard waste by turning maintenance and gardening activities into useful garden organics products. If you can’t handle your garden waste, it’s the local council’s responsibility to promote a more responsible waste collection and disposal method of your garden organics.
Paul’s Rubbish Removal also aims for a 0% landfill rate from collected rubbish. This includes the yard waste you want to throw away. Work with us to help Sydney improve waste volume generation. We are here, always available for you to keep your yard waste manageable and recycled. Book a job with us here.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does the Council Collect Yard Waste?
Yes. The City Council of Sydney offers waste collection services for garden organics. This means that your yard waste still has more use from council collection. To avail for this kind of service, order your GREEN BIN from the council and sign up for the collection service application.
If you live in strata or an apartment, building or housing property arrangements, inquire about the status of your waste collection. A previous service might already be in place, so all you need to do is ask for the green bin. All you need to do is book a pickup date.
Next aspect you need to check is the availability of the service in some areas. Each council and local settings don’t accept all kinds of waste for pickup and collection. It’s best to contact your localities first before applying to the green bin. Different locations have different demographics and thus, different waste collection needs.
Don’t forget to keep your green bin (the one assigned for your yard waste) as neat and orderly as possible. Many residents make the mistake of filling the bin with rubbish. Don’t fill the bin to the brim or it will be invalid for waste collection on the scheduled date. Note that no green bin means no collection for your yard waste.
2. Can You Place Yard Waste Along the Kerb?
No. Yard waste put along the curb is waste that is under illegal dumping. This can cost you hefty fines in violation of the acting policies against waste mismanagement. Any add on rubbish to the green bin can score you fines for violations of kerbside regulations. Don’t put out your trash in the kerb, unless you have somebody scheduled to pick it up almost immediately.
Moreover, kerbside trash tends to be an attractive option for vermin, insects and pests. These parasites can cause trouble and wreak havoc around your organised segregation bins. This results in more harm in the bin collector’s side. They will waste time dealing with your kerbside situation before collecting your yard waste.
3. How Much Do Private Removalist Usually Charge for Yard Waste Pick-up?
A lot of factors are in place when you decide to sign up for any private rubbish removal. Part of the services given is the collection and disposal of yard waste. If you want to know how much the service costs, the best way is to contact your private removalists and get the estimated quotation. If you are in indisposed for a phone call, you can always send an email or fill out a contact form for questions.
Private removalists such as Paul’s Rubbish Removal will rate your yard waste pick up based on the following considerations:
- Garbage type which is yard waste
- The volume of rubbish for pick up and collection
- Location of your residence or desired pickup place
- Schedule and time of yard waste pickup
- Logistical concerns like effort, number of people, area conditions
No matter what, Paul’s Rubbish Removal will always strive to give you top-notch rubbish removal service. This comes with you in mind. We offer our services at an affordable corresponding rate.
4. Can You Throw Yard Waste in a Dump Site?
Nowadays, dumping can get you in big trouble. The same goes for yard waste. It is Sydney’s mission to lessen and completely halt waste disposals in dumpsites and landfills. As these methods often contribute to the current issues of global warming and pollution.
You will often meet cases of illegal dumping with big fines. Not only does dumping your yard waste destroy the environment of the dumpsite, but it is also a pollutant. A lot of methane gas volume comes from organic waste, and yard waste comprises a percentage of this amount. It’s best to find other ways to dispose of your yard waste. Don’t throw your yard waste in the garbage.
Final Thoughts
Clearing yard waste can look like a lot of work. This is especially more effort in setting up and maintaining your compost pit. However, every little bit of effort to handle garden organics still goes a long way. Engaging in your efforts can be beneficial for your homes. You get to keep your lawns and landscape healthier using organic products from yard waste. Plants and trees get nutrients from more natural sources.
Take this opportunity to start handling waste more knowledgeably. It doesn’t hurt to spare an hour or so every week to keep your compost pits and mulches in check. Save money by doing some things on your own. Turn your habits of waste management can be a bonding experience for your family. Starting your children and family early with the basic information about dealing with garden organics can generate a life skill.
Yard waste disposal is also different from tree maintenance jobs and routines. Trimming, pruning and doing different improvement works for your lawn is another expense for your part. Nevertheless, if you choose to do things on your own with yard waste disposal, then you save some money and end up spending for the maintenance jobs of your trees, shrubs and lawn. Every little trick or tip that helps save money can be useful for you.
We know that time is something valuable. If you don’t have the time to do this, certain service providers can give them time to clear your yard waste for you. It’s available at affordable rates too. Paul’s Rubbish Removal has been impeccable in doing this. We have been doing this for more than a decade around Sydney and we will continue to do so. We specialise in handling and removing all trash that can take up space in your home.
If you’re wondering if we take yard waste, the answer is YES. We take all unwanted waste, including tree clippings and fallen leaves in all days and seasons. All you need to do is choose your service and pick a schedule with our team.
Nobody will care about your yard waste and its recycling matters other than us. We aim to help you and Sydney in managing waste one batch of yard rubbish at a time. Don’t hesitate to contact us for your yard waste disposal needs.
Contact Paul’s Rubbish Removal at 0407 125 125. Our staff are on standby 24/7 to take your call.