Medical waste is usually associated with hospital waste and considered naturally as biohazard since it is made up of by-product from healthcare facilities that include sharps, blood-contaminated items, tissues, infectious substances, etc. However, the study shows that residential wastes are greatly contaminated than of hospital wastes.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there’s no epidemiologic evidence which suggests that solid or liquid wastes from healthcare facilities, clinical or research laboratories are more contagious than the residential waste.
Even though hospital wastes contain an immense number of different bacterial species compared with residential waste, generally, under the scrutiny of the public, medical waste is implicated as harmful or highly infectious waste.
EPA’s response with medical waste disposal is that all medical waste generated by healthcare facilities and other medical laboratories and facilities which produce biohazard waste is required to be disposed of only by an EPA licensed incineration site.
Related: Public Health Issues Caused By Improper Waste Disposal
What is Incineration?
Incineration is a widely used method of medical waste disposal wherein hazardous or harmful rubbish materials will undergo a high-temperature thermal process which converts waste materials into ash, flue gas or heat. These are the most common incineration process:
Controlled Air Incineration
Controlled air incinerator has two process chambers which handle the waste materials. This incineration process is commonly used for waste with organic materials.
Excess Air Incineration
Excess air incinerator is a small type modular unit also referred to as batch incinerator. It is a compact cube that can be operated continuously but usually operated by batch.
Rotary Kiln Incineration
Rotary kiln is a drum-like incinerator chamber which vaporizes medical and hazardous waste materials for easier combustion.
Typically, these incineration methods undergo the same manner of operation, from waste storage to feed preparation, combustion in a furnace to the collection of ash residue for disposal, etc.
Incineration processes helped us significantly in reducing medical waste materials, keeping hazardous rubbish materials piling up in our landfills and kill most of the harmful microorganisms. However, it cannot be denied that this method can also release toxic and harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
Why do we need to manage our medical waste properly?
We have plenty of reasons why is it necessary to manage our medical waste properly. But, we came up with the most important and notable facts for the need of proper medical waste disposal:
- Safety and security of the public’s health
- Reduce and eliminate infection or transmission of diseases
- Environmental concern e.g. land, water and air pollution
Medical waste should be contained in a manner to minimise or eliminate the threat to the public’s health, safety and the environment. Improper disposal of sharps or other contaminated items can pose a significant health risk.
One of the most significant methods to avoid contamination and transmission of infectious diseases in and out of the healthcare facility setting is through proper labelling and segregation of the containers or receptacles. This is to ensure the safety of our healthcare workers, janitors and waste collectors as well.
Paul’s medical waste disposal method
We take pride in our structured method in disposing of our medical waste, through the following steps:
- Collect and Segregate
- Disposable and Recyclables
- Storage and Transportation
- Treatment
Proper management of medical waste should be handled only by professional rubbish removal providers. Paul’s Rubbish Removal will help you ensure that your medical wastes will undergo proper disposal to ensure the safety of the public and the environment.
Medical waste requires proper management and containment before collection and transportation for treatment. It should also be labelled, segregated, contained in a leak-proof and punctured-proof container to ensure the safety of our healthcare workers, liaison, the community and our environment.
To all the healthcare facility owners, this will not only keep your healthcare workers safe but it will also provide ease and security to all the personnel and staff under your care.
So, if you are looking for a licensed, professional and EPA compliant medical waste removal provider, Paul’s Rubbish Removal offer the most extensive method when it comes to proper disposal of medical waste.
Give us a call today at 0407 125 125 for an affordable, fast and reliant medical waste removal services.