Home » 7 Tips to Keep Your House Warm During The Winter

7 Tips to Keep Your House Warm During The Winter

Paul's Rubbish Removal

Wondering how to keep your home warm during winter without spiking the energy bills and be efficient? Here are heating tips you can easily use to keep your home warm when it starts to get freezing cold outside.

1. Get a programmable thermostat

Now I know you must have heard this over and over. This little but clever piece of technology will help you control the temperature in your home with ease. You can set the temperature as per your need when you are home and can also set a low temperature at the house, and leave it for work or vacation. Rather than manually setting up the temperature multiple times, program the thermostat to do your bidding.

2. Insulate your home

A good and affordable way to warm up your home is to insulate it. You can do this easily and improve your home’s energy efficiency. If your home is poorly insulated or doesn’t have any insulation, to begin with, there will be a significant heat loss. Most amount of heat escapes through the ceiling, the walls and the floor respectively. You will find the house much warmer once you insulate these areas especially the ceilings.

3. Keep open plan spaces to a minimum

Try not to build too many open-plan spaces, or very large ones, at your home. Most often, these spaces are not infrequent use or outside, which means they don’t need to be kept warm. Also, these are the areas from where heat can easily escape.

But if you already have one or two open plan spaces for your home, inspect the area for where its draft is coming from, and fix it by properly sealing the cracks. You can also place new seals for all doors and windows in these spaces.

Another thing you can do is to detach living rooms from your sleeping quarters, this way you can heat specific areas where you need the most amount of warmth.

4. Let the sunlight in

This one is the easiest of all the heating tips out there. Just open up the windows and let the sunlight warm your home whenever you are in the house. And in case you are going out or to work and there is no one in the house, you can simply open up the curtains. Sunlight will slowly but steadily heat the rooms even with closed windows. So, either part the curtains or open up the windows all together to let the light shine & warm the rooms.

5. Close the curtains during the night

Talking about the curtains, keeping them closed at night will help trap the heat inside the room and not let it escape through the windows. Besides using thick curtains in winter to do this, you can also get insulated curtains for better results.

6. Switch to reverse fan mode

You may have heard of this reverse mode or winter setting on ceiling fans. Check if your ceiling fan has one too. And, if you got one why let the fan sit idle in winter when it can help a bit to warm the room. When you switch to winter setting the fan moves in reverse from counterclockwise to clockwise, doing so will spread/push down the hot air trapped up at ceilings. This technique is pretty handy for high or sloped ceilings. Also, remember to set the fan on low speed and not on high speed or else it may cool the hot air.

7. Keep vents free of any obstructions

Go around the house and inspect all heating vents to see if there are things blocking the way like furniture or plants.

You may have rearranged the furniture in summer and may have placed furniture near or right in front of vent openings. This may have slipped your mind, so double check these places to ensure they are clear of any obstructions that may disrupt or even block the air flow.

When return vents are blocked in a forced-air central heating system, you may have to deal with air pressure problems as well, resulting in interruption of heat. That is why always keep vent opening clear for smooth flow of hot air to warm the rooms.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our list of household tips! At Paul’s Rubbish Removal, our rubbish removal experts are committed to ensuring that your family’s well-being is at the top of the priority list. Follow us for more household tips and tricks and how to keep your home clean!

Sarah Ann

Sarah Ann

Sarah Ann is a Digital Content Writer for Paul's Rubbish Removal. Sarah is a huge advocate for recycling, environmental sustainability, health and well-being and has a genuine love for all sea animals. Keep up with Sarah by following Paul's Rubbish Removal blog!

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