Home » The Impact of Solid Waste Management to Climate Change

The Impact of Solid Waste Management to Climate Change

A lot of the environmental crises we experience today are mainly because of our inadequate solid waste management practices. Land, water, and air pollution, extensive fish kill, species extinction, frequent flooding, and global warming are on top of the environmental problems we currently face. These matters are forecast to worsen in the coming years if we don’t intensify our waste management efforts.

How Solid Waste Management Causes Climate Change

The main reason climate change exists is the tremendous amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere or the greenhouse effect. Like any other environmental problem, this greenhouse phenomenon stems from our improper solid waste management practices. 

Improper Solid Waste Management and the Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect results from the increasing amount of harmful greenhouse gases in the environment. These gases act as a blanket that prevents the sun’s harmful UV rays and heat from escaping the earth. As a result, we experience a significant increase in global surface temperatures and large-scale changes in our weather patterns.

As much as there are plenty of naturally-occurring sources of these toxic gases, a lot of anthropogenic and human-induced sources also exist. Organic rubbish, in particular, gives off high levels of carbon dioxide and methane as they decompose. Especially when they end up in landfills, organic waste produces a large amount of toxic landfill gases mostly made of methane. 

And imagine how much organic waste we produce and the amount of greenhouse gases these tonnes of rubbish generate.

How Can Solid Waste Management Remedy Climate Change

Our improper solid waste management practices contribute to climate change. Conversely, proper waste management can combat this phenomenon. The zero waste movement is a popular approach to properly deal with our household rubbish.


One of the basic tenets of the zero-waste lifestyle is to reduce the waste you generate. This entails that you become a smart consumer, buy only the things you can consume, and avoid single-use items like plastics and foam food containers. In line with this, you should also reduce food wastage by eating everything on your plate, feeding your leftovers to pets, donating your excess food, and avoiding letting food in your pantry expire.

Segregate Rubbish Correctly

Segregating your rubbish at source is a crucial step in ensuring that all types of rubbish end up where they should be and that organic and liquid waste don’t contaminate your recyclable rubbish. If this happens, recyclable rubbish will not be any more viable for recycling and will end up in landfills together with biodegradable waste.


The best way to deal with your organic refuse, like food and garden waste, is to compost them. Not only will this process improve the quality and health of your garden soil, but it will also reduce the amount of rubbish deposited in landfills. Composting also minimises greenhouse gas emissions by aerobically breaking down the decomposing organic matter.


Proper management of our rubbish is the key to keeping the environment clean and safe for everyone. While this does not happen overnight, we need everyone’s participation so that the results may take effect sooner. By simply, living a zero-waste lifestyle, we can help minimise the waste that ends up in our landfills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

Paul’s Rubbish Removal always practices proper handling and disposal of your household waste in Sydney. Because we care for the environment, we always collect, sort, recycle, and dispose of all your rubbish in the most sustainable and environment-friendly way. Not only that, we also work efficiently and thoroughly, so you don’t need to do anything at all. You can sit back and enjoy your day, as our expert team loads your rubbish onto our truck.

Furthermore, we are your reliable rubbish removalists. You can contact us anytime, and we’ll be at your doorstep within the hour for same-day rubbish removal. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 0407 125 125 or send us an email for a free quote.

Sarah Ann

Sarah Ann

Sarah Ann is a Digital Content Writer for Paul's Rubbish Removal. Sarah is a huge advocate for recycling, environmental sustainability, health and well-being and has a genuine love for all sea animals. Keep up with Sarah by following Paul's Rubbish Removal blog!

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