Home » Why Strata Waste is Difficult to Manage in Sydney

Why Strata Waste is Difficult to Manage in Sydney

With approximately 80% of residents in Sydney living in strata-titled buildings, strata waste removal is becoming a burning problem. So much is produced in the form of debris and other types of materials. Here are some of the reasons why strata waste is becoming nearly unmanageable in Sydney.

Poor planning

Nearly every unit in strata generates waste, materials and debris. The result is a huge pile of waste that demands good planning to manage. While the waste from each unit may vary, the total waste collected may be greater and complex for community handling. On the other hand, strata may generate other types of waste such as biological and chemical waste that need an effort of a trained personnel to combat. Good planning entails hazard mitigation and source reduction, especially in high density strata.

Through good waste management plan, the strata manager and the councils can:

  • Minimise time wastage during collection and dumping
  • Integrate efficient waste management decisions
  • Work hand-n-hand with responsible stakeholders’ such as recycling plants and disposal facilities
  • Boost the tenants’ resilience
  • Minimise the rates of detraction among the tenants

However, this is not always the case in Sydney. The villas, apartments, duplexes, condos, units, terraces and triplexes are left in the hand of unconcerned parties in the name of managers. The burden of waste collection heavily depends on the efforts of the tenants themselves. As a result, there is confusion about the most effective way of managing strata waste.

Poor policies

In the Strata Schemes Management Regulations 2016, the NSW government has stipulated the rules governing waste management in the strata. However, you will notice that the policies only cover waste collection and disposal. It doesn’t capture the fines and charges that the occupiers and owner are exposed to upon the breach of any of the above rules.

Secondly, in the rules, the burden of waste collection is vested heavily on individual property owners and occupants. Meaning, with negligence, a little is done to ensure that the generated wastes are efficiently dumped, treated and recycled.

Thirdly, a little is done to ensure that the occupants and the proprietors follow the rules to the latter. Since the units are many, it demands a lot of energy, time and other resources for the concerned parties to bring every person into records. The councils only provide the bins and the rules. In terms of follow-ups, not so much is done.


Strata waste does not only come in large quantity but also different types. Due to factors such as urbanisation and population increase, many people are moving to Sydney town to secure jobs and other forms of gratification. The result is an ever-increasing waste.

However, efficient waste management relates to how people perceive waste and not about the rate of waste production. Where the residents are unaware of the benefits of being environmentally conscious, even when they are just a few people, they will still have long days managing their waste. In Sydney, the high-density strata are full of people that do not understand the benefits of environmental stewardship. Therefore, the overproduced wastes are rendered unmanageable.

Inadequate collection and recycling facilities

One of the barriers for efficient waste collection and removal in Sydney is inadequate recycling facilities in unit blocks. In an Audit report by NSW Auditor-General, it was clear that South West Sydney councils efficiently collected, transported and processed the May’s kerbside waste effectively at low costs. They used green-lid (garden organics) and the yellow-lid bin (dry recycling) in the processing.

However, according to the report, the red-lid bin was not used by either of the councils hence leading to the residual bin waste going straight to various landfills.

On the other hand, the report found out that apartment units had insufficient waste collectstion and storage facilities for the volume of waste produced. The few that existed are inconveniently located and consist of garbage chutes that do not allow for separation.

The most affected councils were the Fairfield and Campbelltown areas. According to the report, though the rate of waste generation was considerably diminishing, there are still huge gaps between the recycling rates and states’ targets

Waste collection, recycling and treatment is a collective responsibility. Strata waste accounts for a significant volume of Sydney’s total waste. Its effective management demands for proper planning with well-laid enforceable policies that convert. At Paul’s Rubbish Removal, there is something for everyone as far as Strata waste collection and hauling is concerned. Call us now on 0407 125 125 for a free quote and have your units cleaned at economical costs.

Sarah Ann

Sarah Ann

Sarah Ann is a Digital Content Writer for Paul's Rubbish Removal. Sarah is a huge advocate for recycling, environmental sustainability, health and well-being and has a genuine love for all sea animals. Keep up with Sarah by following Paul's Rubbish Removal blog!

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