Australian Recycling

Uncovering the Facts: How Much Plastic is Recycled in Australia in 2023

Plastic waste has surged to the forefront of global environmental concerns, and Australia is no exception. With a recycling rate of just 13.1% for plastics and pressing environmental threats, it’s crucial for the nation to address this issue. In this blog post, we delve into the complexities of “how much plastic is recycled in Australia”,…

school recycling

Recycling Facts for Kids

Who says recycling is only an adult thing? Recycling’s often seen as a tedious chore taking time, effort, and money to accomplish. But if we try to understand why it’s essential and naturally integrate it into our lives, recycling can surely be a fun activity—even for kids! Why kids learning about recycling is important? Research…

29 Littering Facts That Will Surprise You

Do not Litter. We see these words in schools, parks, and almost any street. And yet litter in the form of candy wrappers, beer cans, and plastic bags remain ever-present in places where people frequent—as if a badge saying, “I’ve been here.”  Unfortunately, littered rubbish won’t always stay in that seemingly vacant alley where you…

Space Junk: 9 Facts That You Didn’t Know

The space race in which nations on the planet have been harnessing their resources and advancement in technology has been going on for half a century now. Just like on earth, along with the advancement of civilization comes a new kind of problem—space junk.  Since 1957, when man first launched spacecraft to reach earth’s orbit…

Furniture Donation in Sydney: Junk for You Maybe Gold For Another

Please note: We do not accept any donations or furniture donations. We sincerely appreciate all the enquiries we have received, asking whether we accept donations. Please visit any of the reputable non-for-profits/charities below and donate your belongings to those in need. Thank you! Sometimes you need to say goodbye to your chairs, couches, tables, or…