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What is Medical Waste?

Medical waste is usually associated with hospital waste and considered naturally as biohazard since it is made up of by-product from healthcare facilities that include sharps, blood-contaminated items, tissues, infectious substances, etc. However, the study shows that residential wastes are greatly contaminated than of hospital wastes. According to the Centers…


Do’s and Dont’s in Curbside Rubbish Disposal

Rubbish removal is every local council’s responsibility. And in every household, your sole obligation is to dispose of your waste properly in the right waste bin and at the right time. By practising on sorting our recyclable and disposable rubbish, we can all reduce the amount of waste sent to…


Sydney Laws and Policies in Industrial Rubbish Management

Industrial waste takes on many faces, from contaminating our drinking water, emissions of unwanted toxins into the air to reducing the quality of our soil. Industrial mishaps have caused a major disaster environmentally which have yet to be brought under control. While some needs an immediate measure, some steps have…


How Proper Disposal of Medical Waste Help Curb COVID-19 Global Pandemic

Proper management of our waste materials, helps prevent additional pollution while promoting the health and safety of our community. When we dispose of our waste materials responsibly, we are reducing the risk of contaminating and polluting our surroundings.  However, the current COVID-19 pandemic raises questions and new challenges regarding the…


Types of Industrial Rubbish

There are different types of rubbish around. This is because there are different kinds of settings that produce waste. Even with good habits and practices in dealing with waste, there will always be some sort of waste. It’s unavoidable to generate waste, but having good waste management practices around can…


How is a Residential Curbside Pickup Scheduled?

You may walk around your homes and find that as clean as you thought it was, it’s really not. No matter where you go, there’s some sort of trash that needs to be taken care of. Maybe it came from years of accumulating things and never using them, or maybe…


Common Commercial Waste Items That Can Be Recycled

Small enterprises and big businesses alike are among the most that produce waste. This kind of waste is called commercial waste. Accumulation of things and business activities generate large tonnes of garbage in order to produce products that are for their respective markets. Even with non-business activities, waste is still…


10 Green Waste Facts in 2020 You Should Know

Green waste is a vastly overlooked cause of pollution and it makes up a significant portion of the total rubbish in Australia, particularly in Sydney. With this, governments, non-profit organisations, and rubbish removal companies such as Paul’s Rubbish Removal are hand-in-hand in pursuing a common goal: To reuse and recycle…


Tips on How to Keep Your Home Disease-Free

We care about our well-being every day. Self-hygiene is basically a paramount attitude that we need to practice in order to avoid diseases. We wash our hands, brush our teeth, take daily baths, and wear clean clothes among other things. However, our home, which is basically an extension of ourselves,…